Taunton’s first ever Big Green Week Festival!

So this is a really really exciting development, I’d have never thought I’d be organising something of this magnitude but here I am putting on a day-long festival in the centre of Taunton to celebrate Big Green Week 2023!

Last year when our local council approached me and asked if I was doing anything special or holding any events for Big Green Week 2022 I had to say no. I had way too much on my plate and was still in the first year of opening my shop, but it did set my mind racing, and started the cogs whirring and a pipe dream was born.

Fast-forward a few months and I was emailing them back with a proposal for a one day festival to be held in June, and finally at the start of January it had cleared all the tape it needed to and I’d not only been given permission to hold it, they’d given me the whole of Castle Green to do it in!

Taunton Big Green Week Festival Castle Green photo

I guess I should probably circle back around to what Big Green Week actually is for those who aren’t familiar with it. Starting in 2021 (so this will only be its third year) it is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. All across the country people stand up to tackle climate change, share information to those unfamiliar with the danger the planet is it, and do it with heart, bravery, conviction but also hope.

Taunton’s Big Green Week Festival is going to be held on Saturday 10th June, and is joined that weekend by Lionel Richie performing at the cricket grounds on the Sunday. As I mentioned about it’ll be held in Castle Green which is a large beautiful outdoor space in the town centre with a nice grass area and a sizeable paved area to fill!

So what fill it actually be filled with?

Castle Green is going to be roughly split into four zones:

  1. A market area where shops and small independent businesses can bring their products and offer customers ways to help the planet. Whether that is through plastic-free items, handmade gifts, or plants and greenery there’ll be something for everyone, including my own shop.

  2. A food and drink area filled with local plant-based businesses! There’ll be delicious savoury options, sweet treats, opportunities to pick up fresh local produce, and refreshments on tap too.

  3. An awareness zone, where the many local environmental organisations will be able to share their thoughts, ideas, goals and some fun and entertainment. Nothing has been confirmed yet but I’m really hoping we can have a mobile repair cafe, an appearance from local wildlife trusts and much more.

  4. Finally will be the interactive entertainment area! Again these are just preliminary ideas (the event has only just launched and we are four months out) but I’m hoping for live music, poetry workshops, some form of art and crafts, possibly even some open-air tai chi to get involved with.

If you’re not already, please do make sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with developments as and when they happen, and please do pop the date in your diary to come and have a great day out.

I’m so very excited to be doing this, to be able to help the community of Taunton and the surrounding areas in such a large meaningful way. I want there to be a real air of hope and togetherness, to celebrate what we can do, not highlight what isn’t being done. Who knows, maybe this will be the start of something ongoing for years to come!

(A concise version of this blog was also published this week in the local Gazette! It makes it all feel very real)


Monthly Recap: January Edition


Easy eco-swaps - Toothpaste!